Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1
I. Complete the following dialogues with the right expressions.
1. Nadia : Hey, Riza, you know what? My painting will be published in Hello magazine next month!Riza : Wow, that’s __________, Nadia. _______________!
Nadia : Thank you. I really worked hard for that.
Riza : I know you did, and I’m sure it’s a great painting. I can’t
wait to see it.
2. Mida : I wonder ________________________.
Ann : Tell me when.
Mida : Next weekend actually.
Ann : Let me think it over, and I will tell you later.
3. Dika : ___________________.
Firda : Does it look all right?
Dika : Yes, and it matches your scarf perfectly.
Firda : Thank you.
16 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII
4. Stranger : _________________?
Fahmi : Japanese Restaurant? Walk up Rajawali Street, and turn left. It’s on the right.
Stranger : _____________.
5. Clerk : May I help you?
Customer : _________________________.
Clerk ` : The shoe department is over there. To the right of the
sports department.
6. Riza : _____________________?
Nana : Sure. It’s ten thirty.
Riza : Thanks. Wow, it’s ten minutes left. I have to hurry.
7. Customer : Could I have another plastic bag, please?
Clerk : ___________________.
Customer : Thank you.
8. Boy : _____________________?
Librarian : Yes, of course. You can renew the novel twice.
Boy : _____________________?
Librarian : Sorry, you can’t check out this magazine.
9. Stranger :______________________?
Rahmi : The Brawijaya Museum is at the corner. Just walk down this street.
10. Rina : My motorcycle doesn’t start. _______________________?
Tati : I am sorry. Mine is being repaired.
II. Complete the following post card that tells about your experience on holiday.
________________, Greetings from _____________. I arrived
_____________and I am having a great time now. This morning,
____________________ . Tomorrow, ____________________. I enjoy
___________________. I will be back _____________. See you soon.
Regards, ________________
III. Write a note based on the information below.
mini bus --- get off Sriwijaya Inn --- walk down Singasari Street ---
first crossroad --- turn left --- about 5-minute walk --- my house,
Garuda Street No. 13
Buku Sumber : Buku BSE- Contextual Teaching
and Learning Bahasa Inggris: Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Kelas VIII
Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1
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